Lauren Eby

Art Trade w/ Jao Kolad (AKA: Remake of the Robin pic)
Art Trade w/ Jao Kolad (AKA: Remake of the Robin pic) by @Korowolf (Lauren Eby)

For an art trade w/ Jao Kolad (who did that nice bubbly pic of Heather a while back), they requested that I could draw any pic, but they wanted Disturbed's song "Devour" incorporated into it. After watching Witch Hunter Robin, and hearing the song, I decided that they fir together. Basically I thought of how Robin admires her superior Amon (sp?), quite possibly he is considered a love interest for the girl. So It jus fit.. Im ramblin, I'll shut up now. Enjoy the pic Jao!

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Lauren Eby

Finished Work
21y170d ago
Other Work By @Korowolf

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 19 January, 2003 @ 03:55 AM

Sorry it took me so long to get 'round to this, my computer is on it's death bed.

So ANYway, nice pic. It looks like it took some effort to do and it looks rather professoinal. Now I must go and chooooooooose which of your characters are doomed to my horror-oriented style! Mwahahahahahaha!!

::major thumbs up::

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