Anna Raven

Halloween Town, here we come- and there we go... nevermind ^^;
Halloween Town, here we come- and there we go... nevermind ^^; by @emeraldrae (Anna Raven)

well, here's the Halloween Town version of the previous cartoon. Ain't it nifty?

I do realize that Lindsi's supposed to ALWAYS have a living tail, but it doesn't often grin at her like that. or smile, for that matter. also, Bunny wanted me to make Aira be dressed like Jack. however, i decided to only make her look a LITTLE like jack. so now they're all a combination of The Nightmare Before Christmas, Hot Topic, and one heck of a desperate imagination. Lin's supposed to look like a ghost (with bat wingies and a living tail), Aira's a vampire/witch/were-cat, and Em's a zombie.. sorta kinda. anyhoo, enjoy all! =^^=

and... disregard the very confused jack in the corner. it's something i doodled a while ago and decided to copy into this drawing cuz it just fits. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Anna Raven

Finished Work
21y177d ago
Other Work By @emeraldrae

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Friday, 27 December, 2002 @ 09:41 PM

Blinks and raises a wrist, looks at the chains, at Anna, and back. Righty. Very nice ^^ We have to Rp that sometime ^^

Posted: Thursday, 23 January, 2003 @ 12:32 PM

Aw how cute and uberly silly! XD Wabafoo job Anna! :B

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