I love the image... and the expression involved in it, but why is there always something so horrible wrong with the life of the second Gens ::taking the side of the last comment posted:: ? sigh there should be at least one that has a real good life/history.. just for a lil' balance? e.e;; otherwise, the picture is really nice.
Reketet, 2nd Generation Spirit by @TheDevilCat (Caitlin Wilt)
The mighty Push-chan let me have a Spirit Chyrith!!! This is Reketet, who is actually based on my Teknikat, Terbeker. He's a blind, love-starved little orphan, who's sick of Chys trying to kill him and wants nothing more than to be normal. ::sniffs:: And he's only 12 by our standards. ::sniffs again:: I love him.
Finished Work
23y30d ago
Comments & Critiques (3)
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Why must the 2nd Gens be so abused?! WHY!!!!! ::blinks and regains control:: Um... yes... 0_0;; At this rate Lord Singer's actually gonna have a breed clan...