Larissa P.

Sesshomaru by @Larz (Larissa P.)

Yeah!! Its Sesshy! ^^ oh I wuve him. cuddles sesshomaru plushie way better than that half deamon brother of his ~.^ anyways I like this it looks pretty good I think, the ear is really misplaced but still!

Finished Work
20y170d ago
Other Work By @Larz

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 31 December, 2003 @ 06:46 PM

ya, i hate inuyasha too...sessy's a whole lot better....buuuuuut....i love koaga... and sango's coo... and kikyou... but still, coo pic

Posted: Wednesday, 31 December, 2003 @ 08:03 PM

Thanks for the comment ^__^ I didnt say I hated iny yasha but I do like sesshomaru more. Koga is awesome. Sango and Kikyo are okay but still thanks for the comment :D it makes me happy to know people like my work enough to comment on it...or find something terribly wrong with it and need to say something about it so I can correct it...heh heh ^^

Posted: Friday, 09 January, 2004 @ 09:59 PM

Sess is defiantely cooler than Inuyasha, hes even cooler than Niroku (and thats saying alot) in fact, hes my favorite Inuyasha charecter! his face seems a little off, but the coloring is excellent, I wish I could color that good. ^_^

Posted: Saturday, 10 January, 2004 @ 06:20 PM

Yeah he is probably the coolest character (and my favorite also wow! we are so alike ~.^) I supose now that I look at the face it does seem off. But but chibi eyes you really like my coloring? that makes me so happy, this probably is one of the best coloring jobs I have done ^^ wai! thank you!

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