Evloret Hyzenthlay

Screech Wyvern
Screech Wyvern by @evlohyze (Evloret Hyzenthlay)

Ok, I know this really sucks. No, don't try to change my mind. Anyway, the only reason this is up here is so that you can all see what my first MMX fancharacter looks like. Screech Wyvern. Yay. She's been revised countless times. Originally, she had more dragonly wings sticking out of her back, but that wasn't wyvernly. So I made it so that her wings retract into her arms (But not completely. Those're the purple 'fins' you see). Now she's a wyvern. She's not really a Maverick boss-type thing as the name implies; I just named her that because I thought it would be cool. In the RP world, she's often confused for being a Mechadrake. Ok, I know there are Wyvern Mechadrakes that Riptear made up, but...They weren't there when Screechie was created. ><; She's not a Mechadrake. Ok, what else was I gonna say. Oh yes, she's got the green beam saber in her hand, a beam saber 'short-sword' on her belt, along with a lance that kinda folds into itself so that it's small and travel-sized for your convenience. And the spine thing at the end of her tail is venomous, also in the traditional wyvern sense. Once again, this pic sucks. And yes, her tailspines are supposed to be on backwards. I didn't mean for her to be so damn seductive-looking in this pic. That is NOT like her at all. -.X

Arma: Suuuure.

Quiet, boy.

Finished Work
22y165d ago
Other Work By @evlohyze

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Wednesday, 16 January, 2002 @ 02:50 PM

I don't think it looks seductive. x.x ..::lifts her leg slightly:: ::SWARM:: O________O

Posted: Wednesday, 16 January, 2002 @ 02:52 PM

It eff'd up my COMMENT. Okay, the first line's me, the second is Screechie's, and the third is a bunch of..guys. -.o

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