Des Tini

Invader Zim Fanworld! AKA Big huge group pic of fancharacters. by @deathdesu (Des Tini)

Yay, group pic of all my Invader Zim Fancharacters! I drew them all in some sort of wierd Jhonen/Anime style. O_o I shall call it Jhonime! So, I guess you'll want to know who everyone is, ne? Of course you don't, but I'm going to type it anyway! O_o Okee, starting from the bottom left is Zouiya! She and Zim go way back as rivals, hating eachother since the day they were born. (Ish a long story.) Zouiya's smarter than Zim, but barely. However, she's also more vain and conceited, so they're about even. She wears high heels to be taller. She's not an Invader, technically; she's a Destroyer. She flies armada ships. Mmmmyep. However, she got restless with that job and asked to be reassigned. They sent her to Earth as reinforcements for Zim, so they got stuck together.

Above her is her not-so-faithful servant, CIR. The C stands for combat, as he is more agile and has more doomweapons than the standard. CIR suffers from a temperament defect that makes him hate everything, and I do mean everything. He hates everything from cute bunnies to broom lint to me, to you, to brainfreezies. (GASP! Heresy!)His only escape from the world is "Sleep," the 30-minute period where he shuts down. However, loud noises automatically wake him from this. He gets very pissed when that happens.

Next to Zouiya is Des. She lives next door to Zim's base, and spies on him from the neighbor's window. She used to attend a hellish school called JV Tech, but transferred to Dib's school. They became partners and eventually became close friends, perhaps more than that. (Come on, there's always at least ONE of those. XD) Des's mom is the president of DoomCo, a big huge company which sends horribly dangerous products. Her mother is convinced that Des is in love with Zim because she always spies on him. Also, Des despises the color orange. I think it's a subconsious connection to evil Nickelodeon.

To the right of Des is Q and her partner X. Their tale is a bit more tragic. When the Irken military conquered their pacifistic home planet, Pii, they escaped due to X's mad piloting skills and were the only survivors. Upon finding Earth, which they thought to be far enough away that it would be out of Irken grasp, they built a large and bizarre mansion, only to find Zim there. This created a moral dilemma for the two, who wanted to save the Earth from destruction, but bound by their code of peace, couldn't fight with Zim, despite Q's protests. Their solution was to assist Dib. However, he didn't trust them at all, leading to frustration and stuff. Q is obsessed with sugar, especially baked goods, but all sugar in general she will shovel in madly. They can create holograms and detect radar using these two little pen things called Q-pen and X-pen. Q once tried to use hers to create the ultimate video game (she likes gaming) and it resulted in disaster, but we won't get into that.

THEN, next to X is little Ail! By Irken standards, she's still a kid, and not having reached her full height, cannot become an Invader just yet. However, instead of learning on Devastis and other military training planets, Ail built her own ship and robot and left to get some first-hand experience from a real Invader, and found Zim first. He's not the best teacher, but she likes him. XD The fun thing about Ail is her instant realization of how unobservant/stupid the humans were. She takes advantage of this and finds great fun in exposing herself as an alien in every way possible and walking away with everyone still thinking she's human. This annoys Dib to no end, but she is usually friendly to him all the same. Ail is always very cheerful. She loves exploding things (especially fireworks) and jalapenos and making stuff. She also likes to watch anime in Japanese, but who knows whether or not she understands a word? XD

Above Ail is her 'bot, AIR. She custom-made him with her own two hands, and he acts a lot like her. The two may be related. In his disguise, AIR is a little bat, but he rarely wears it, typically just going as a robot in public. Nobody cares, right? AIR and Ail sometimes stay up late doing Karaoke.

And last but not least is Agent Saturnalia, member of the Swollen Eyeballs. Not much is known about her, as she never reveals her name to anyone, however on the back of her left shoulder is a tattoo that reads "Z" which may be a clue. She is very passionate over her work, tending to argue forcefully with anyone who questions her. It's fun to watch her bitch with Professor Membrane. XD Saturnalia's pretty cold, but she's got a good head on her shoulders. When she arrived in the neighborhood on an assignment to verify Zim was an alien, Ms. Bitters mysteriously disappeared once or twice and a Miss Saturnalia filled in for her. She was a frightening and tyrannical teacher. She always carries that briefcase with her. It contains a laptop, a cell phone, a camcorder, alien sleep cuffs, and a tazer. Saturnalia is currently staying at the Firefly hotel. She collects lamps.

WHOO! That was long. Especially since I don't think anyone's going to look at this. Look how desperate for reviews I am! I'm gonna bang a drum now.

Finished Work
21y338d ago
Other Work By @deathdesu

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 19 June, 2002 @ 09:50 PM

Whoo! Now to prove you wrong about the whole "not receiving comments" issue!! :D

I really like your style, for one thing. A nice blend of Jhonen-style and anime... though some might call that an unholy combination. 0.o Um, yesh.

But also, I really really like Ail!! ^.^ She's cool. It's so true that none of the silly humans would care if she ran around merrily without her disguise... except Dib. But annoyed Dib=funny, so that's always good. ...Whee, listen to me babble. Anyways, GOOD STUFF!! I likes. ^-^

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