Elli Gibbs

NOT a promotion for the tobacco companies ~.^
NOT a promotion for the tobacco companies ~.^ by @Biscuits (Elli Gibbs)

Okay, I took a printed version of this pic to school and I dunno how many people asked me if I was promoting smoking. -.- I'm not, just to let you know.

Anyway, about the picture: I used an alternate method of shading/highlighting for this (reminiscent of my cereal picture, if you've seen that) which I thought came out nicely. If you've ever used P.S. 5.5, you know purple doesn't "burn" well. And since this picture was largely purple and looked kinda old-schoolish, I figured the blocky shading would look nice.

I think I was right.

(This image got me into trouble somehow... apparently smoking is considered offensive and merits a re-rating of a picture from E to T... I definitely need to pay more attention -.-)

Teen (O)
Finished Work
20y33d ago
Other Work By @Biscuits

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 19 May, 2004 @ 04:47 PM

I really like this! I hate it when people get all miffed about artistic nudity or smoking. It's so immature.

Posted: Thursday, 20 May, 2004 @ 12:20 AM

Totally! It got really annoying after the fourth person said something -.- Anyway, thanks for the comment. I rather like this too ^_^ --L~.^

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