E. Davis

Red Claw
Red Claw by @EDavis (E. Davis)

Another piece finished on vacation. Some of you might remember my raptor character from Furcadia, Red Claw. You would also know, if this were the case, that she literally killed everything she didn't like and was generally feared by the other dinosaurs. I luffed her... and when I quit Furc after vacation, I killed her to signify my departure. I was so sad...

Anyway, here's Reddy in all her beach combing glory. Merfle. Be sure to check out my VCL archive! :3

Finished Work
21y123d ago
Other Work By @EDavis

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 17 August, 2003 @ 11:18 PM

Awww, you killed her? ;_; Raptors are very cool... Hey, I've seen your VCL archive! =D Anyway, this picture is awesome, I love the shading, and her colors ^^ Pretty clawsieeeess...

Posted: Monday, 18 August, 2003 @ 09:46 AM

Jah, I killed off Red. =\ And although I went back to Furc (I R B weak wuffer >.<) I stopped RPing dinosaurs. I just can't top Reddy when it comes to an RP experience with them... so it's kinda boring now.

Thankoo! :D The only thing I'm not happy with is the colors are actually more vivid in real life than what my scanner would permit. And the face is a little funky, but for a colored pencil job, the overall piece is decent. Thankee for your comment, Shaddie: I appreciate it! :3


Posted: Tuesday, 30 December, 2003 @ 02:20 AM

I love raptors so much! I especially like the coloring on this one. Very smooth. Great job!

Awesome pic!

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