A Voter is Born by @kidkourage (KidK Mirai)
Yesterday was Mike-the-Brother's 18th birthday! =D And so, I drew this for him as a present. See...it has been an in-joke with us for a long time that the first chance we each get to vote in a real voting booth (unlike me, having to vote absentee and thus un-anonymously all the time ~.~;), we're gonna vote write-in for really crazy stuff. =B My 'really crazy stuff' involves Zim and Miss Piggy, and Mike's favored write-in candidate was Queen Latifah. He does so love the Queen. And I rememberededededed him saying that he was going to vote for her (though he probably won't 9.9), and thought it'd make a funny picture so here it is and I just way overexplained something self-explanatory. u.u;;
Wearing your superhero uniform to vote shows real respect for the government, huh?