Tara Reynolds

The Day That I'll Never Forget
The Day That I'll Never Forget by @tarareyn (Tara Reynolds)

Here's my tribute piccy for the WTC and Pentagon tragedys....I plan on actually drawing something a bit later...but this poem is all I could think of right now...you may redistribute this pic...but PLEASE give me credit for the poem...it's only the second one I've EVER written...

Finished Work
22y297d ago
Other Work By @tarareyn

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 13 September, 2001 @ 03:08 PM

You wrote it? COOL! +(^-^)+ your pome says a lot. I know exactly what you're talking about. Even though we Canucks and Yankies have been joking at each other a lot..(raises american flag) that's all in the past and forgiven. GOD BLESS AMERICA! :)

Posted: Thursday, 13 September, 2001 @ 03:17 PM

Yesh...I wrote the poem..today in fact nods I'm quite proud of it..I've never been much of a poetry person..but this tragedy really inspired me...

Posted: Monday, 03 December, 2001 @ 01:29 PM

I understand. There is few feelings my depressed self and others share. Your poem may make people depressed, but it makes them see the truth. Perhaps that is the best kind of poem. Anyway, Kudos on the poem. I'm glad to see I am not the only one who writes depressing poems. I like your poem. May you write many more like it, Almight Tallest Red ( a.k.a. Sharky or Depression)

Posted: Saturday, 26 January, 2002 @ 03:25 AM

::Crying too much and too hard to respond::

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