Rebecca Mroczkowski

Dib Potter
Dib Potter by @gypsyjr (Rebecca Mroczkowski)

Extremely strange strangeness from my caffeine-addled mind. Dib (from Invader Zim) dressed up as Harry Potter and not very happy about it. He looks like he's about to beat someone with that broom...

(and yes, I KNOW he'd probably never wear this costume. I just found the idea amusing. Ya gotta admit, the physical resemblance is uncanny. At least he's got a nifty skull candy bucket.)

Finished Work
22y246d ago
Other Work By @gypsyjr

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 29 October, 2001 @ 08:22 AM

Lol.. I have to show this to my mom. She would LOVE it. She's obsessed with Invader Zim AND Harry Potter, so it's the best of both worlds. XD weeee!

Posted: Tuesday, 30 October, 2001 @ 12:03 AM

I noticed that too! They've got the same glasses, and I think the same jacket or something like it. Cool picky! ^_^ And I like his candy bag.

Posted: Friday, 09 November, 2001 @ 11:44 AM

Yeeheehee! Cool! I'd thought he looked strangely Harry-Potter-esque myself. My Mom's a Harry Potter nut, she'd love this one.

Posted: Saturday, 29 December, 2001 @ 10:42 PM

Yes, he does look like Harry Potter. I actually thought that it was a Harry Potter cartoon or something on TV when I first saw IZ! My first episode was 'The Wettening', and the first face I saw was Dib, so, yeah. Nice pic!

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