Kelly Marie

Life without you
Life without you by @kellmari (Kelly Marie)

This was based on a RP that me and Ag are currently doing. In this story, Dib, Bid, Gaz and Zim get pulled into another demension where everything belongs to Bid or Queen bid. In the Demension Bid goes insanely mad over the loss of her Dib, Dib in that Demension was killed by the irken armada and Bid witnessed it..with her last looks at her beloved friend, and long time partner she confessed her true feelings for him by saying she loves him, but a lass Dib just gave a slight smile before slipping into eternal sleep. From that Day forward, being the genius she soo is, she creates a machine to transform dogs into half humans, making her dog Elvis(Brown dog in blue outfit) her loyal and trusted general, pira being passionate little sir, struggles to help the two worlds, but in the process fell deeply in love with Elvis. The Tallests along with their wives, Zimma and AG aka Advanced Gir, still have the remaining irken soilders from the rath of Bid. It was the Tallests idea that they were to bring the other Dib into their world to calm down Bid in their world, but in the process, whatever happens to the other Invader Zim gand along with the Tallests Invader Zim gang they feel it physically and mentally. So whatever happend to Dib in that demension, will happen to him later on. Dib is slowly dieing the other demension and it is up to the gang of both worlds to come up with a to get the other demensional invader Zim gang back to their world before it is tooo late. But The Tallest Red has something else in mind. what will happen but to sure to stay tuned to the next exciting episode of, Life without you, the creative version. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kelly Marie

Finished Work
21y280d ago
Other Work By @kellmari

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 28 September, 2002 @ 01:54 AM

Ooooo...the picture's cool! and the roleplay sounds really cool. :)

Posted: Saturday, 28 September, 2002 @ 08:57 AM

Awwwwww....Dib dies? Poor Bid. I'm so sorry she feels this way in this fic....QUEEN BID?!

Do more! I love it! What happens to Zim and Gaz in the other world?

Posted: Saturday, 28 September, 2002 @ 07:49 PM

This is a really pretty piccu Zimma! ^.^ Very nicely colored! I also really like the story behind it all! I can't wait to see more..mmhm.

Posted: Saturday, 12 October, 2002 @ 11:57 AM

Wowe the picture lokks really nice. Me and my brother also RP. But I RP through AIM. Your roleplaying sounds kool!!!

Posted: Wednesday, 05 November, 2003 @ 04:42 PM

All I can say about this pic is... WHYYYYYYYYYY????????????? WHY POOR DIBBY???????????? I LOVEDED YOU DIBBY, I LOVEDED YOOOOOOOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!... I'm okay. Why? DID YOU MAKE THIS UP???? 0:) I'm a Dib fan, too...

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