West Knight

Central London Nocturne (1983)
Central London Nocturne (1983) by @WestKnightTV (West Knight)

A year after taking over London's screens on weekends, Central London saw late nights the place where they could make a name of their own, outside of ATV London's legacies. The Nocturne strand was launched, changing the centre red dot with a purple new moon. As the name suggested, its appeal was mainly music-related programmes. 

The headlining show was "Overdrive Academy", a Japanese-American series about a schoolgirl using her electric guitar against the gang. Produced by the upstart Ginger Root Productions in Juban District, Japan, it was a regional success back home, which attracted a travelling Central executive and brought it to the UK. Despite being placed in late night, it received a cult-like following, as its funky effects and synth music garnered teens after Channel 4 closed down. 

This slide was shown in between the show, where a lot of effort on the neon guitar sign was paid - albeit a different type than what the protagonist used in the series.


[Out-of-character] A dumb thing I put together, just because I love GR's faux-80s worldview in his MVs and vids!

Electric guitar icon modified from Freepik, and the speaker background was a Cascom background recreated by United World Media on DeviantArt, which I fiddled around a bit as an homage to the MV's crash zooms.

Overdrive Academy © 2024 Ginger Root, otherwise © 2024 West Knight | Not to be used in minting NFTs or training AI drawing models.

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6d20h ago
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