Rick Fazzio

Porings by @Rick_Renziku (Rick Fazzio)

Ok.These are poring's,A monster from Ragnarok Online.Ragnarok is a online MMRPG you can download. www.Ragnarokonline.com.I obsess over this game and i havn't even played it yet XD.I have known about it for quite some time and have finnaly got to download it..then they go and take ro down for 3 months..bad luck XD.I am getting impatient for its return..so here i am makeing fanart XD..i can't wait to battle mosters along with all my friends..(all my obsessing over the game has got them interested in it too) Names: Poring(Red) Poporing(Green) Drop(Yellow) I am makeing another one with some of the other porings also..yes..there is more then just 3. This was soo easy to make...circles and lines...XD I Suck at drawing.This is yet Another MSpaint and Rollerball mouse Pic. Porings CopyRight To GravityCorp.(I think thats what its called)

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rick Fazzio

Finished Work
21y335d ago
Other Work By @Rick_Renziku

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 16 August, 2002 @ 01:26 PM

point point point Aaaaw! Look at them! Porrriiiinnngggsss!!! squeeek X3 Nice picture once again Rickah! You never fail to amaze me with your artwork! ^_^

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