Li Chi Son

I'm Alive!!! And something new to add to the gallery :P
I'm Alive!!! And something new to add to the gallery :P by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

It's been a while since I've scanned anything new about these two.

Drew this after my first class in university!! WAHHH! Had so much fun!! XD The first day of class was just explaining anything. Didn't even need to go to my last class cause prof wasn't there WAHHH!!

N e hoo, back to the pic. I was just doodling Petit's eyes when I got struck with an idea and this was it.

These two are always loners, not that loners are bad (cause I'm one :P) So cute cute Petit holds onto a plushie Kuro-sama! AWWWWW hearts

It's sentimental.....the wording made sense when I first typed them at 12:00am.

BAH! I hate scanning it so small! It cuts out a lot of the detail ;_;

But I want the loading time to be shorter so enjoy....

I can't remember what else I wanna type so any commands would be great.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y325d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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