Amanda Caitalina

Crystal charmander
Crystal charmander by @amancait (Amanda Caitalina)

Gah, I've been away for weeks on vacation, and packing has been so hectic--so now I'm going on a mad drawing spree before I leave for college. ^^; 'Tis the third in the crystal pokemon request, a pure white charmander with crystal claws and a glowing blue flame and eyes. Came out very stylized, as all my charmanders do for some reason ^_^;; Was trying to show it from the back, sort of turning..and I like making charmanders more saurian or draconic. ^^; Hope it came out alright ^^;; Gah, now that I'm back must finish the set--I feel horrible about how long its taken. ><

21y283d ago
Other Work By @amancait

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 31 August, 2002 @ 10:32 PM

OMG! It's sooooo kyuuute! ^^ Why didn't you tell me you finished her, LOL? I found this pic by mistake, I was bored so in a search I typed Charmander because I needed to look at a pic for reference for something.. then that picture came up, I was all "Hey! That looks like Venus, one of the crystal Pokemon! ^^ Wait - it is! o.o" Anyway, thanks sooooooo much! It's just too cute, I love the style she's done in! ^^ Looks slightly sad, but... adorible. ^^ Just wanna reach in and give her a hug. Don't worry about taking so long. ^^; It's definitly been worth it! ^_^

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