Evloret Hyzenthlay

Urgan Nagru, the Foxwolf
Urgan Nagru, the Foxwolf by @evlohyze (Evloret Hyzenthlay)

Once upon a time, I became bored and started drawing Redwall villans because they rock. And I'll have you all know that the author's last name is pronounced 'jakes'. I heard him say it on TV. I swear.

Finished Work
22y177d ago
Other Work By @evlohyze

Comments & Critiques (6)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 18 December, 2001 @ 12:38 PM

Aaawwwooooooooooooor! Yay! Me luvs that piccy. Foxwolf RULES!

Redwall is the best, btw.


Posted: Tuesday, 18 December, 2001 @ 08:13 PM

REDWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLL! XD This is a darned nice pic. Good perspective on his left arm, it actually looks like he's going to try and grab me and .. beat me up. Severely. I hope he does't get stabbed in the eye by those teeth. x_9;

Posted: Tuesday, 18 December, 2001 @ 08:16 PM


Posted: Wednesday, 16 January, 2002 @ 04:50 PM

I like his hat. :B

Posted: Thursday, 07 February, 2002 @ 11:51 AM

This pic is sooo cool! I like the way you made the skull. blink (Hail Brian Jacques)


Posted: Thursday, 12 September, 2002 @ 03:52 AM

Wow! Wonderful drawing of Urgan Nagru! I just finished reading The Bellmaker tonight! ^^ I love the claws! Just making a note on Brian Jacques last name... While the man himself pronounces it "Jakes," it is a Spanish last name and that's not the proper way to say it. (I should know, having a Spanish name that everyone pronouces like "Jell-o" ~~) How a british man got a Spanish last name, I'll never know. Bottom line, tho. If he says "Jakes," then that's the way it should be say when talking about him personally. To each his own, eh? ^_^

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