Laguna Barr

" You may now kiss the bride...or the Russian...or whatever" by @Axenblade (Laguna Barr)

grins Now I like Leon, and I was in time attack mode playing as him (almost said 'with' him....now that Could give the wrong impression to little warped minded kiddies ^^) And I was fighting Genfu. Does anyone who plays DoA2 know the move where Gen fu throws you into the air, and then catches you and puts you safetly to the ground? Well he did that to Leon, so I paused it and laughed. Leon looked very worried and Gen fu looked the way a groom does to his bride. So I was inspired to draw this...so I did. We had people round for dinner, I don't like people so I wasn't bothered by my mum because she was too busy ^^ as is life....

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Laguna Barr

21y246d ago
Other Work By @Axenblade

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 05 April, 2003 @ 05:45 AM

::LLAMM!:: man don't you just love it when you pause a game and their posed in a certain way and then you make something up for it? :: LLAMM again:: great pic bud!

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