Criket Ferrin

"Visit Either One You Like." by @CRIKET (Criket Ferrin)

"They're both MAD!"

Yes, this has somewhat to do with the Alice in Wonderland play my bro was in a couple weeks back. The main Alice was assisted by 2 others who played her thoughts and feelings. Those are the ones that are small and at Alice's feet.

The play was word for word, and VERY great. I didn't use any of the costumes from the play, but the Mad Hatter here looks similar to the actor who played him.

The Cheshire Cat is red, like in the play, and that's the March Hare over there. I like how his tail drips down over the scene. Also, I like the March Hare's boots. ^^

This scene didn't ever happen in the play or book, but I felt like drawing it, so there. :P

At the bottom, where the little bubble kinda thingys are, those are audience heads. I didn't know how else to border it...

19y164d ago
Other Work By @CRIKET

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Thursday, 23 December, 2004 @ 10:59 PM

cooool! nice job on the mad hatter!!!

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