Sides of the Cross by @lynne (Lynne)
I wanted to title this 'how to keep balanced on a cross' or 'polygamy' but the first seemed too extreme the second doesn't fit the situation (it's a past in-joke).
Thus comes the question, what IS the situation? I have no idea. This is one of those special pieces of artwork that comes out of your pencil unplanned, where you just draw and do not think, and then look at what you have drawn and say.. WHAT is this supposed to be? When something rises up from your unconscious and expresses itself in your art.. what does it mean?
I thought of a few different interpretations, most of them very paradoxical, for example, a balance with the dual necessities in life of sex and violence. That makes me feel uncomfortable and creepy so it could have something to do with that. I look at this picture and I feel very anxious, like something is WRONG. Necessary, perhaps, like any suffering and struggle, but then...
I want them to come down OFF of the cross and find new life.
In terms of the art itself: it's a pencil sketch, colored and touched up a bit on the computer in PSP. Viva in the center with Jesus on his right and Lynne on his left.
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