Brenna Bahus

What the...?
What the...? by @brenbahu (Brenna Bahus)

OK, this is wrong of me. I know I know. Instead of Elvish medicine saving Frodo, what if is was Elvis medicine? I deserve to be hurt for this. In the foreground is Gandalf and Aragorn. Frodo's in bed. Behind the bed are random elf lady, Samwise, and random elf man. Yes, and that's The King in the middle of the picture working his magic.

Rough / Concept
22y179d ago
Other Work By @brenbahu

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 09 January, 2002 @ 12:12 AM

steals Frodo when everyones not looking Pooooooor Frodo, baaaaaaaaaad Nazguls, Elvis suuuuuuux.... but the pic is good! Teehee....

Posted: Friday, 25 January, 2002 @ 07:27 PM

no you person,put me down, gandalf!help,im being stolen,i am not to be stolen!ah,you pervert dont touch me there,sam,aragorn!

Posted: Wednesday, 20 February, 2002 @ 01:32 AM

::sees elvis person thingy and hits him with her staff:: BAD ELVIS THINGY! BAD! DON"T YOU DARE HURT THE LITTLE HALFLING! even if he has been mocking me lately....

Posted: Friday, 01 March, 2002 @ 07:58 AM

yeah,its me!and i live on!hello dev,did you earase that comment i sent to you or something?

p.s.samwise gamgee is mine and not yours,he devoted himself to me and what have you done to my friend in your torture chambers?!

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