Laura Alexander

Super High Contrast!!
Super High Contrast!! by @jetbaby (Laura Alexander)

I finally got around to doin' up a pic of Emerald in the fabled Super form. Basically what happens when she transforms, as can easily be seen here, is her fur colors reverse, as well as her eye and nose color, her stripes get all glowey, and her air foofs up. She's usually alot more serious acting in this form because she doesn't like using her Chaos Emeralds except for serious situations. There's been alot of confusion on whether or not she could go Hyper or further, and i've finally figured out what happens. Since she needs to be in contact with other emeralds in order to achieve a more powerful form, and since she can't be around other emeralds without getting into some serious pain, she only does so when absolutely necessary. But when she does, she's one peeved feline. It hurts so much for her to stay in any form above Super that she's just as angry as a bull when she has to. Whew! I finally got that out of my system. x.x But anyway, I stayed up all night fixing this pic up, and let me tell you did it take some tweaking with. I can't even explain all the stuff I did to it. So i'll just leave you to... marvel at Emerald's... contrastyness... woooo, shiney. Emerald, Super Emerald, and the pic are © to meee, Kay. But the Chaos Emeralds were made up by and are © to Seeeegaaaa~

Finished Work
22y80d ago
Other Work By @jetbaby

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 23 April, 2002 @ 09:25 PM

Whooooaaa...duuude...this is some seriously sweet stuff! Now if only I had thouse programs and a good scanner x.x but this is great great work Jetbaby! Keep it up!

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