Mary Huff

Margo Rivers, Master mechanic
Margo Rivers, Master mechanic by @Chronicdoodler (Mary Huff)

I love the new style I see in the trailers for disneys treasure planet. So decided to make up my own character, I can never find a good view of a female's face in that movie so I had to improvise. I also used this as a opportunity to try displacement maps that I saw at Polykarbon.com (definetly deserves a look). It stretches patterns so it looks like it curves over a figure, I used it on her shirt.

BTW the wierd thing she is standing on is like a hoverboard I guess. I had trouble fitting a background under the character

Finished Work
21y231d ago
Other Work By @Chronicdoodler

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 06 May, 2003 @ 05:39 PM

^_^ I like her hair and the design on her shirt. She doesn't look weird the way she's standing.

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