Paula Pugh

Zim In Hell: Comic Cover
Zim In Hell: Comic Cover by @AnnieMae04 (Paula Pugh)

Well here it is. At least the cover anyway. My Comic; Zim In Hell (I said it was coiming in July I didn't say when in July). This cover is not what I had in mind. It's kind of a last minet idea. The other one I had the color was pretty bad so I just stuck with this one. Note to reader: I do not have Photoshop to help make all my art look really shiny or nice, so be considerate.

To start things off; things to expect from this comic. It was not intended for kids. If you read JTHM and get away with it, this is the comic for you. All the IZ people are a bit out of charecter to my opinion, but it's intentional. Zim is really out of char. Not so much it's annoying, but he swars and insults to great extreams. Everyone, else as you may see are even more out of char. but as I said it's intentional, and you'll find out why later. Now I really don't like the slash ideas, but in this comic I play with the ideas a lot. There is one page that is really bad, but we get it over with soon. I only did it, to make people disturbed (you'll find that a lot in this comic as you go along. Zim is naked on the cover whad you expect?)Just watch out.

How this is going to go, is there are 6 parts planed out. In the fallowing month you will see three of them continuously (they set the pace for the end so I don't plan to leave you hanging in confusion) there will be a break betwean each part but not betwean each page. Each part so far are kind of short (like three pages each) but this is my first continuous comic (cut me some slak). The "part" idea is kind of useless. The parts are just to set a pace, for me if not the reader. Part one, is getting stared and we meet Dib, part two meet Gaz, part three, meet GIR who tells us why things are really messed up (you'll see how messed up), long break for other parts later to come (expect the comic to contunue in Sep. if not Oct. I'm shootn' for Sep. but it's not likely. We'll see.) Part 4 is the fight, part 5 we meet Satan to setal the score, part 6 back on Earth. This will all come together and by the end, it'll make sence.

Lastly, this is my 1st full length comic, so if it sucks I'm sorry. I would still want people to comment alot so I know what you people think. All the other people who have see it (people who know me personally), are not big IZ fans like on the net, and they thought it was cool and funny. Please give me bad comments too but tell me why you didn't like it. Out of style, bad art, I would like to know. Good comments are nice but bad ones are more helpful (DON'T TELL ME ABOUT SPELLING OR GRAMMAR, I know plenty about all of that. I hate those ones.) I want to know about content, or art. AND DON't GO OFF ON ME, don't take out all your repressed anger, Ok? I'm sensitive. This comic's my baby, Ok? Give it time to grow. I think that's all I have to say for now. Yeah, Ok, See ya tommro for Page 1.

Teen (N)
Finished Work
21y335d ago
Other Work By @AnnieMae04

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 15 July, 2002 @ 05:52 PM

I like Zim with toes. I have seen the ep. but I this it makes him look cuter. otherwise I wouldn't do it(someone was naging).

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  • Casual Comments - Comments of a more social nature.
  • Light Critique - Comments containing constructive suggestions about this work.
  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.