Megan Casey

He needs a name!
He needs a name! by @paradox (Megan Casey)

I plan to colour him on photoshop, but I already have a hand coloured version done, I'll scan it so you all can see....yeah, cuz I just know people flock to see /my/ art...thud

Well....in the picture, he's wearing red, blue, black and green plaid pants, a black a bright green shirt, he's purple with yellow bangs and eye brows, pinky/red eyes, turquoise/pastel green inside of his ears. tail tip is the same as the inside of his ears, then yellow, then purple.... yeah, I added a tail when I coloured him. I don't know what sort of creature he is..a dingo maybe? He claims to be from spain. but...no one really knows because he's mute. ah...well, not mute. He can talk. he just doesn't... His hobbies? snuggling with his male Reno and male Cee plushies. yesh, he's a cutsey likkle gay boy. he's purple because it was what I grabbed out of the thingy. He adores black and bright green together. He doesn't care if his clothes match, because none of his clothes match him anyways! He made his m-reno and m-cee plushies himself, with the help of my other unnamed character. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Megan Casey

21y361d ago
Other Work By @paradox

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