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A Haiku A Day - Started by: BatmanWilliams
A Haiku A Day
Posted: 20 Jul 2024, 02:58 PM

The idea is as simple as the title. I plan to write a haiku a day here (or as close to that as possible). Feel free to join in. Entry in this subforum inspired by another.

Here goes the first one...


The sun burns today

Its light rays backstabbing me

Reddening my skin

RE: A Haiku A Day
Posted: 20 Jul 2024, 03:11 PM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 20 Jul 2024, 03:12 PM.

Shoot, I just realized

There's already a haiku thread

Are thread clones allowed?

RE: A Haiku A Day
Posted: 21 Jul 2024, 08:26 PM

I think it is fine. The old thread is long buried. A fresh one won't hurt.

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