v4.0 Beta Test ends today. So far, everything is looking peachy keen. There were some major issues found and fixed. There were a lot of little minor things found and fixed. And there were a lot of things I realised I had forgotten about, which have been put into place. After today, I'll perform a final checklist walk-through, ensure all the necessary cron jobs are in place, and perform a few tests of the updated migration system (which has had a few extra functions put into place).
Once I'm satisfied with the status of things, v3 will be shut down and backed up. Then, v4.0 will migrate in all the v3 data while it is static, then be moved to a live server filespace, and then turned on. As far as things are looking right now, v4.0 might just be launched before the end of the weekend.
Cross your fingers.
-- BK