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Long time member, rare (never??) poster - Started by: snowhawk
Long time member, rare (never??) poster
Posted: 17 Mar 2022, 10:38 PM

I can't remember when I last said hi on the forums!

Hi, I'm Ainsley! I used to go by Snowhawk, but that changed last year. My Side 7 account will be old enough to drink this July.

I'm an artist, writer, and when I am able to work outside of the home, it's usually in some aspect of the pet industry. I am a stay-at-home parent to one Smol Human and one doggo.

I'm currently 41, and I use they/them for pronouns. My art production lately has been -slow- because I did a dumb thing in October 2020 and overworked my wrist. (Kids! Don't do that! Don't work through the pain.) But, I'm writing as I can, while I wait on treatment for the writ issue.

RE: Long time member, rare (never??) poster
Posted: 18 Mar 2022, 10:46 AM

Nice! Does it feel awesome to be a long-time member of this site?

RE: Long time member, rare (never??) poster
Posted: 21 Mar 2022, 04:22 AM

Side 7 is, and had been, one of my favorite websites for basically all of that time. It's just... -neat- because so many other sites have come and gone in that time. Even my own website's come and gone and been reborn several times since.

RE: Long time member, rare (never??) poster
Posted: 06 Apr 2022, 07:35 PM

Nice to meet you! I went and took a peek at your work and it's really nice - love your equines especially.

RE: Long time member, rare (never??) poster
Posted: 07 Apr 2022, 03:38 AM

I remember seeing a bunch of your works back in '18-'19. I agree that your equines are quite lovely, and I like a lot of your backgrounds, too.

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