Side 7 Job Board

Hi! This is temporary page for artists who are looking for work to be able to find clients easier.

Newest Members

Group Staff

Casteso - Owner

Views: 725


Allowed Media: Images, Audio, Literature
Allowed Ratings: E, T, M

GENERAL RULES -Please follow Side 7's rules

RULES FOR JOB OFFERS -Please only advertise for paid work on here

   -Please be clear on all details (what type of job is it/what skills are you looking for/time frame for project, etc.)    

-Please do not spam the same offer/Only post the same offer once
-If a job is filled, please either take down the post or put CLOSED in your post

-Please state in the post how you want to be contacted(Be it on side 7/email/other social media, etc.)

All Side 7 rules apply, as well.