B Sanders

Junicorn 2022 #4 - Jade
Junicorn 2022 #4 - Jade by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

"The greatest mysteries of our world would have to be the jade unicorns. Residing among the remains of ancient civilizations all over the world, these unicorns are the subject of myth and folklore greater than any other species. The most essential question is: are they alive, or are they just statues? Long removed from their original resting places, jade unicorns have been placed on various sites and traded among nations as peace offerings. In areas where these unicorns have been set up, the local people have come to revere them due to stories of the jade unicorns coming to life and aiding downtrodden or struggling humans through severe hardships. Not old stories, mind you; these are recent stories. Modern science claims that these statues are nothing but solid jade. However, jade does not exist in the large masses used to carve these jade unicorns, and no ancient records indicate who would have carved them. People often claim that they know that a nearby jade unicorn was at work when they observe that the head is looking in a different direction, but no one has been able to catalogue these observations."

Another rushed work, but I at least gave the marbled texture a decent shot. The trick seemed to be fitting the texture onto the unicorn so that it appeared to wrap around the unicorn's body rather than just applying it flat to the unicorn. I also gave this one a thinner outline so that it did not stand out as much.

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