@AMS_Lizrah || Profile
ShadowFox Kiyjaeryin
I am an artist/fan-fiction author/currently failing comic writer. I write and draw my own comics but rarely finish them. ^^; kinda sad, huh? I finally got myself an account so yay fer me. throws confetti Well, I usually draw characters that are original, but have some roots in anime or television. Some of the characters I draw can be identified as from a show, anime, manga, or video game, but I try to put a disclaimer about those drawings. I also have a good deal of headnoise. I'm stuck with an insane, spazzy incarnation of ultimate darkness in my head, so that tends to make life a bit...interesting. She tends to nag me to actually finish things for once and I tend to ignore her. Ah well, thats life. I work with 6 of my friends as a writing team. We've been working on the same story for 2 years now and I lurve them all...well, I think that's all about me...that's worth talking about anyway...
I'm also incredibly notorious for spelling errors on these things. I CAN spell, and quite well, I just type way too fast. I ask for everyones forgiveness for that. ^_^ Ciao!