Zaid Vulpes

Vrether "Esser" Urianus Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Name: Vrether Urianus, or “Esser” for short.

Age: He lost track over 50 sun-cycles ago...

Sex: Though he doesn’t give out personal information willingly, he is obviously male.

Height: 5’ 9” when in a content mood.

Weight: Average/ 211 lbs.

Size: Medium when calm.

Race: Esser comes from the tribe Xjaar’quenis, which means “the wolf people“ in a forgotten language.

Hair: Esser comes equipped with a full head of black, white-tipped and braided, hair.

Eyes: Mainly gold, but has blue around the edges of the iris and a brilliant purple around the pupil.

Class: More of a ranger than a fighter. Although, he has stolen certain items when he found it absolutely necessary.

Languages spoken: Draconic, Elfish, Goblin, Sylvan, and Common.

Favored Items: Language books, History books, Magic Spell books, Pen and Ink, Daggers, Animal Companions

Personal info: -Taken from the previously translated Sapphire Tablets-

We created them; these husks. Forged from fallen angels and raised by enraged overlords. 

No true souls and no true hearts. Only lost memories of their former selves.

We called them “The Wolf People”, for they resembled creatures that walk upon four legs, and we treated them as pets. Nothing more.

A bright few were taught the ways of Celestials. Those few were sent to a deserted wasteland that lay in ruins, where we could study them from afar. The rest were reserved as test subjects for our medical experiments.

We underestimated their abilities. The bright few attacked, for they were tired of being second best.

We only laughed at their pathetic attempts to annihilate us…

Until they killed us.