@DaNiElLiE || Profile

@DaNiElLiE (Dani)
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28 January, 2006
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
04 November
California, Unspecified
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Hey my friends call me Dani (or sometimes Ellie) I prefer Dani but this just was to explain my username. ;)

Anyway, I just wanted to explain how I sort my gallery and what I will mostly draw.

My drawings in the Fanart-other category are characters I created in a story I wrote or for something I wanted to create a character for that isn't a part of a story I wrote or of the original works. If I draw the original characters then I will categorize them in there respective Fanart category. I will draw humanoids and furries of my own design such as me, my friends, my characters (that don't pretain to anything that currently exists), and animals such as wolves or lions (and the occasional dragon if I feel up to it).

I love taking requests so please feel free to e-mail me or catch me on AIM or if you can find any other means of contacting me through the site feel free.

I hate it when people steal my characters! Please don't be an art-stealer!!

In regards of Fanart drawings... I will draw the Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Kingdom Hearts, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (LXG), Flight of the Phoenix, (maybe) Devil May Cry, Cyborg 009, and Wolf's Rain.

I particularly draw art for my fanfics

Haven't read my fanfics?


An other site I'm a part of is entirely consisting of Nightmare Before Christmas Fan stuff. If you click [entries] in my profile, you will be sent to the link of the fanart and fanfiction I have contributed to the site.


Thank you! Talk to you all real soon! :)

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