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Eden Character Reference

Age: he honestly doesn't know
Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:
Pronouns: He/It

Eden is an escapee from an unethical lab situated at the edge of an unmapped asteroid field. He joins Miriam's team to start on the path of building a real life for himself. Miriam and Blaze both care about him but both have VERY low EQs and are often missing the mark with the best of intentions - usually just confusing Eden in the process. He does find their shenanigans genuinely funny most of the time though.

how to use Eden's pronouns: stick with a consistent "he" or a consistent "it" in a given scene, rather than switching in the middle of a sentence. for example, when referring to him during one instance, continue refering to "him" as such until that scene ends or the conversation moves on. When coming back to discussing it on another instance, continue referring to "it" as such until either the scene ends or the conversation moves again. Eden most frequently uses "he/him" pronouns, but can sometimes prefer "it/its" especially when struggling with mental health - hearing the old/familiar pronoun set from the "bad old days" but in the present context spoken by people who care about Eden is immensely comforting.