@FireFox || Profile
Daniel Dobbins

@FireFox (Daniel Dobbins)
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17 December, 2000
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
01 September, 1984
FireFox turned 40 this year.
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My name is Daniel Dobbins. My chracter as a fur is Azera 'Fire' Fox. He reflects a part of my personality, and other uncharted things about me.

As himself, he is a Roanimoid (Humanoid changed into or born as an animal due to fused genes) set in the future. He lives a somewhat horrible life, as he never had a very good childhood and his world is always dark and gloomy. At a young age, he lost his parents and he then was put into a training camp. Now, he is the only one in the universe who can pilot any Advatech Xellon (Big humanoid robot. Much like a gundam) with mastery unsurpassed. Among his, and many others like him, abilities are enhanced agility, strength, and hearing.

Now, for me. I like to draw, play videogames, listen to music (which is mostly what inspires my drawings), compose music, write, and eat. I also like to drive my car when I get a chance.

I use to Role Play a lot. I'd like to name and artist on this site that I knew when the forumns me and her went to were ripped away because of a few people doing indecent things. Speck. Long Time DBZ Freak. =D Id like to thank her and the countless others from that forum and the sequeling forums for the many personalites I got to experience and work with to make me what I am now. I'd also like to thank them for the art they drew to inspire me to draw also.

Have a nice day. =)

Go see my sisters art! http://www.side7.com/art/saradobb/gallery.html

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