@Grim || Profile
Grimski Rumsvelt
Erk... what am I supposed to write here?? Ok, seems im stuck already... Ok, well, first of all, before you look at my work, im a really bad artist. But I guess it doesn't matter because im not planning on making a living off it. Just warning you ^_~<BR><BR> What else? Ungh.. Im a lunatic? Yup, and it's pretty hard to draw with a straitjacket on and a gerbil dangling off your nose..! *pokes gerbil with foot* Ah, yes, Im also a gerbil fanatic. So be prepared! Alot of my work may feature gerbils (told you I was a lunatic)<BR><BR> Anyway, posting may be slow, cos im a lazy sod, and I never have time to draw. Also alot of my work is rough cos I just doodle in school, and lot of it is just a pile of smeg... what ever that is.<BR><BR> *gerbil swings on nose by teeth*