@KrazyKelli || Profile
Quaidis Cougar
I was born, I grew up, I became a God. My current job is selling my artwork (in commissions, prints, and t-shirts). Right now I'm rereredrawing 3 different comics and will get the published and out to the public by May, 2004. Wait for it.
Let's see, what else. My main drawing talent is in dragons, demons, and other fantasy creatures. And while I like drawing a wide range of things, I find it more fun to make up my own species.
Dr Pepper is my drink of choice, and I find that watching the television and playing videogames is more stress relieving than reading books, manga, and such.
While drawing is my main selling point, I also compose music, draw comics, write novels (and short stories), and when I find a kiln I'll start making sculptures again. So... There ya go.