@LissaBT || Profile
Lissa B. Treiman

@LissaBT (Lissa B. Treiman)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
02 March, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
07 September, 1985
LissaBT turns 39 this year.
California, Unspecified
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In the immortal words of Lissa B. Treiman:

In the box to the left, Side 7 asks me "What do you want to say in your biography?" well, i'd like to say something witty that'll leave you saying "dude! that's the first real laugh i've had, like, ever!". If possible, i'd like to say it in several different languages, so that our international visitors wouldn't have to keep telling me "well, i don't speak much english, so i really don't get the joke, but the art is nice!". If my sharp and pointy wit were to fail me (perish the thought!) i'd like to say something so deeply profound that it would cause your eyes to shrivle, you rmind to implode and your very being intself to blink out of existance.

and knowing me, it might alos include a bit of profanity.

sadly, i'm tired and the wit is flowing slowly tonight, i'm horrible with languages (i barely speak this one!), i'm no real philosopher or poet, and this is a kid-friendly operation so i've gotta keep my language clean :)

a bit about myself: I was born and bred in the San Fernando Valley. It's in Southern California. You know that movie "Valley Girl"? with a young Nicholas Cage? it was made in the 80's? That's out valley they're makin' fun of :)

I'm a freshman at CalArts in Valencia, CA, where i'm majoring in character animation. that' really what i do... cartoons. needless to say i do a lot of what i like to call "field research". in fact, i've got 'Futurama' on in the other room right now.

stuff i like: books: Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, Hitchikers Guide "trilogy", anything funny music: anything. really. my music tasted are mind-numbingly eclectic. art/artists: varied and various... the list can go on forever. movies: anything funny or cool. 'run lola run' and 'sliding doors'. 'Dead poet's Society". anything by Miyazaki. 'The Lion King'. 'Road to El Dorado'. 'Finding Nemo'. ever see "one crazy summer" with John Cusak? if 'yes', then good for you... if 'no', then what are you doing just sitting there????

the list can go on. and on. but i think i'll stop it here. odds are if you've gotten this far you possess and attention span that far exceeds that of the average human being. as someone with the attention span of a dead fish, i tip my --- ooooooo a squirrel! i've gotta go!

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