@Malice_101 || Profile
Ken Charlton

@Malice_101 (Ken Charlton)
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25 February, 2000
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
20 February, 1981
Malice_101 turned 43 this year.
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Currently I live the quiet life of the employed here in the North-East of England. Although my work is Furry in nature I personally dislike the title, mostly because I really am unlike most of those on either this site or in the community in general. For me, Furry is not a lifestyle, it is a label and one that I would happily do without

That said I am both cynical and pessemistic. I prefer to keep to myself, a trait which means that most of my work never really gets seen. My attitudes differ wildly depending on certain situations. I can be loud and opinionated one moment, shy and retiring the next. It depends on the company I'm in. I have been told that I have keen people sense and in alot of social situations I like to sit aound and see how folk are reacting.

When it comes to recreation I like to read, play computer games (RPGs mostly), listen to music and draw. My musical tastes are considered rather abnormal. I listen to bands like Iced Earth, Gamma Ray and Blind Guardian (Power Metal). My current favourites are Rhapsody and Luca Turilli (Melodic Epic Hollywood Metal.... no, really). I am also partial to classical, ska punk and the occasional piece of japanese pop. Oh, and anything by Yoko Kanno.

Before you ask, yes I have long hair.

Very long.

My work is a-typicaly dark for the furry genre and alot of my characters tend to have things like inferiority complexes and drug addictions. One even has a massive case of self loathing coupled subconcious suicidal tendencies. However, not many people see this side of my work. Most of the pieces on the site are of my more emotional side. I don't really have the confidence to show most people my work. Fear of ridicule really. However, when I do choose to talk about my ideas and stories I can keep people entranced for hours at a time.

I have many tales trapped inside this little head of mine. The two that overide almost everything else are my "Jeager" and "Masters" series'.

"Jaeger" is a dark fantasy (swords and sorcery) world. Main characters are Wolfgang Dietrich, Michelle D'voir, Roberto Checo, Sheva Yan'heir and Armon Guntz. This is intended as a novel or series of novels and is written more like a retelling of history rather than a hideously sterotypical D&D style fantasy.

"Masters" is my attempt to take the lighter side. It is intended as an Anime styled graphic novel with over the top characters, situations and slap-stick humour. Main characters include the Masters sisters Alice, Rebecca and Bunnie, Edward the cyborg Butler and Daniel the 21 year old, childlike (in both mind and body) pervert.

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