Nihilina Gloomee

Toxino The Radioactive Angel (Bootstring Maid) Character Reference

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Toxino is an angel that had a pretty bad accident where she ended up falling into toxic waste next to mutated Clams from the hit comic book of 2014 called "Attack Of The Killer Clams" that's considered a classic in planet Tarreon. Toxino lives in a radioactive chamber that's barred from the other maids, so they won't get sick from radiation, she still gets visits from the other maids from time to time, they just have to wear hazmat suits just in case. Toxino has a calm but grumpy personanality, and can get really irritable at times, due to her being locked away behind metal chamber doors that she can kind of see through. (Sometimes Toxino unintentionally tracks bright foot prints on the hotel hard floors.)