@N0-11 || Profile
Nihilina Gloomee

@N0-11 (Nihilina Gloomee)
Last Seen:
36m14s ago
16 January, 2023
She / Her / Hers / Herself
Death's Inn, Unspecified
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===Welcome to my profile===

A woman that still enjoys drawing since 2012, alongside being self taught. I enjoy drawing stuff like, anime, monsters, robots, horror stuff, and more. Hopefully I'll meet more people here in the future.

My only warning is to please don't repost my art without permission/credit

---I also sometimes draw edgy/grimdark stuff as well.---

Self tilted “Drawing Machine”

(I may end up posting some really old artwork on here, just as a place for an archive that'll hopefully last a long while.)

d58b7bs-c06fbfb6-54ee-4c21-8fc1-cdb2bf76c5ea button IMG-1968

Latest Journal Entry
Why I hate Corporate Censorship
16 Jul 2024, 04:21 PM

I mainly hate corporate censorship is because Corporations will do anything to gain money, even to the point of screwing people over, who are victims of crimes against humanity, like rape, murder, suicide, etc. YouTube, Instagram and a bunch of other stuff, alongside censoring some artists unnessasarly, I‘m still looking forward to booting up my personal website, I hate corporations for a reason, they screw over people when it’s convenient too, like firing a lot of employees in mass and stuff, meanwhile these popular websites will let other stuff through their broken mod bot systems.

I hope to make an illustration that’s against censorship by robot mods, and how it’s basically ruining the population’s language, just for some green fabric, because everything is about money, because we all live in a cynical corporate welfare society. 

(Pasted from my Pillowfort text post)