Nihilina Gloomee

Missatrio (Misthanthropic Being) Character Reference

Species: Misandrone
Birthday: 9/2/1949
Age: 100
Place of Birth: Planet Tarreon
Height: 14'3
Weight: 198
Orientation: Not interested in making relationships
Gender Identity: Female
Pronouns: She/her

Missatrio is a being that does not like humans in any way shape or form, even cybrogs like Lucyanna, Missatrio was once a 70 year old woman once named Amisha that is so bitter towards humanity on planet Tarreon, she ended up becoming a being of pure distrust and grudge, and now she's a 14 foot tall being of human hatred and disgust, there are also monsters/beings who are similar to Missatrio as well.


Nitza Cherdunsei


Lucyanna Kimsel


Friends with Qammy

Family and Friends:

Arther Grim (Deseased) Kimberly Grim (Deseased)