Nihilina Gloomee

Veryom (Species) Character Reference

Species: Plant-human hybrids
Birthday: 4000 AD
Age: 4000 years old or older
Place of Birth: Tarreon Forests
Height: 6'1
Weight: 600
Orientation: Any
Gender Identity:

Veryom are plant-human hybrids that are born in the Tarreon forests in general since


Veryom can come in different colors, even light green to white. Veryom has little white hairs like plants on Earth. Veryom can be born from the corpse of an elderly veryom


Spring to summer weather Water and plant food


Vegans - only because they make a lot of noise and will end up as Veryom food Loud, disruptive Humans


Rodola Cult - Veryom love getting support from this nature themed cult, they've been friends since history.