Nihilina Gloomee

Lsdiika Character Reference

Species: Rabirat
Birthday: 6/12/1999
Age: 24
Place of Birth: Rotten Fruit Coffin Game
Height: 5,5
Weight: 190
Orientation: Straight
Gender Identity: Female
Pronouns: She/her

Pronouncing: “El-Ess-deeka” Lsdiika is a bright yellow Rabirat, that lives in a late 90’s DOS game called “Rotten Fruit Coffin” made back in June, 12th 1999. The game is basically about hanging out with your digital friends in this giant fruit coffin world, Lsdiika is one of the first characters you meet, she’s mostly pretty nonchalant and sarcastic at times, or aloof. She's friends with a cat with secondary colors and a dog with monochrome colors.


Lsdiika is originally from a bootleg DOS game made in 1999. Lsdiika is deaf, since she has no ear holes.


Rotten apples Wearing blue outfits Blue eyeshadow (sometimes she wears pink or white eyeshadow.)


Sunny days (sensitive eyes) Wearing outfits that’s the same color as her fur coat. wearing shades (her vision isn't too great with sunglasses)