Lisa Williams

PsychoGirl Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

My name is PsychoGirl, and I'd just like to start off right now by saying that I am not your ordinary teenaged girl. No. You see, unlike my other female counterparts, I am a superhero. Don't laugh! You may find my tendency to wear a superhero outfit and a roayal blue cape an anecdote, but that's a normal reaction from a normal person. I'm not a normal person. I'm not normal in any way possible. That doesn't stop me from doing good deeds, however. I've done many good deeds such as getting kittens down who were stuck in trees and stopping bullies from stealing their smaller, less fortunate peers’ lunch money. Now prepare yourself for my greatest adventure yet, yes, this is my story.

Authoress' Summary:

That was her opening Paragraph in the series. ^_^

Name: PsychoGirl

Character From: "The Amazing Adventures of Psychogirl and The Traveler"

Species: She's a human! ...With VERY special blood.

Likes: Candy, caffene, saving people, community services, children, animals, comedy movies, funny names like "Albuquerquie", colorful objects, cute poliecemen, milkshakes, chinese food, mochas, Autmn afternoons, flying, cheering people up, fighting crime, and Monty Python.

Dislikes: People just ASSUMING she's immature and not taking her seriously, sickness, crying, being in pain and people thinking she's faking it, people who actually are faking pain, extreme cussing, alcohol, the smell of souerkraut and almonds, bullys, stuck up people, drugs and simple pleasures.

Bio: PsychoGirl, unlike most people's ideas of how Super Heros are born, never expierenced gaining her powers via electrocution or the likes.

She's not an alien, nor did she undergo scientific expiraments or was involved in a freak accident- none of it applies to her. In this story, Super Heros are born naturially- their power is in their blood, some elements are stronger than others, some are Fire elements, some are ice, spirit, psychic- etc. Psychogirl is an All-Elemental- one of the rarest of the rare bloodtypes, which could only be gained by an extremely powerful ancester. She can't do anything like stretch her body unnaturialy, but she CAN throw fire, ice, energy- you name it, she can use it. >)

Her family situation is interesting- It's unknown if her mother is a Super Hero or not- she's a very calm woman with a gentle voice.... However, if anyone crosses her up, her glare can stab the soul. >D Her little brother shows no signs of having the blood either but he's only 9 years old, loves trains and looks up to her as his big sister. PsychoGirl's Father has no drop of super power in his blood at all. Nada. ...But, when he learned that he is the father of one of the most powerful all-elementals yet, he gets this crazy idea that HE is a superhero- so PsychoGirl is often occupied by her dad jumping on the trampoline with a jacked for a cape, trying to fly- and getting stuck in their tree- either that or he's jumping off the roof and she has to catch him! XD

Weakness: Emotional attatchment? That and blood loss. She can never give blood- if she does her powers will weaken dramatically and it'll take her months to recover- during that time she'll be VERY weak... If someone was to recieve her blood, their body will not be used to the power and it can very esily comsume them, so she can't give blood for both her safety and the safety of the reciver.

Symbolizes: The City. She has TONS of energy. =D