@Shard || Profile
Shannon Darkidder

@Shard (Shannon Darkidder)
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30 April, 2005
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
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I am a high school student that loves to dabble in fantasy. Drawing is a passion of mine, and though I don't consider it to be a potential career, I work on it nonetheless. I photoshop, and own a tablet to help my works.

I am currently composing a story starring my profile character, Shard, or Shannon Rayne Darkidder, her Earth name. So far the story goes well, I have the plot almost complete, and aim to start writing it in novel form during the summer.

In my Story are three Sections. The First, Second and Third, devoid of creative names, for now.

First: When Shard meets Shade, to her decision to fight the slave traders of Del-Ajor. In this Section, she learns how to segueway between worlds, how to fight, and other facts about dimensional travel. Here she meets main characters such as: Tobias, Shade, Zylo Wolf, Alek, etc.

Second: Five or so years later. Shard is General-Cheif of the Gargyrn army in a bitter civil war against Del-Ajor. Characters met: Jarrek, Lupus, the boy on the cliffside, etc.

Third: Shard and a small band of followers pursue Lupus into the desolate twin world of Narshenna, Tjar. She faces impossible odds, meets the mysterious Nephilim race, and Angels. Characters met: Alto, Micheal, Abbadon, etc.

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