@SheDevil || Profile
Collette Amiot

@SheDevil (Collette Amiot)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
24 November, 2003
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
14 September, 1988
SheDevil turns 36 this year.
MA, Unspecified
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Hello! I'm the crazy (Not INSANE! CRAZY!) girl who is obbsessive just like my best buddy on this site Amelia P Oh yeah she rocks my sox and shes also my-les. If you knew the joke you would get it. Oh I must draw the sexy werewolf! He doesn't know who I am but hes a sexy werewolf! Hi to all my buds reading this and who know know I'm crazy. Oh people werewolfs are real! I swear they are! I swear to god they are and my friend gos thinks they are to! SO that proves it caus god is mainly right. When hes not getting beat up by Satan. Or the emo kid mia. Who must make a comic all about me me me me me! I am not self obbsessed I swear. Yesh and I am the SheDevil my buddy Mikey is Confussion. Mikefussion say "Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day!" Yesh and hes dateing my other best bud Jill. She doesn't have a nick name because shes 100% Jill! Oh and I have to mention the cutest guy I know! Selver! Oh yesh (I stole that yesh from him) He may seem like a tuff guy but hes cute and fluffy! I dunno how hes fluffy hes not a sexy werewolf. But hes just dead sexy! (And I'm shutting up about him before I loose all my dignety) I also can not spell for jack stit. (My word for Shit) Oh yesh I accually have a word thats all me! Well I must leave you there check out my bad art Toodles! P.S. Ph34r th3 cut3n3ss

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