@Spirit_Fox || Profile
Cristy VanCleve

@Spirit_Fox (Cristy VanCleve)
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20 December, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
19 March, 1981
Spirit_Fox turned 43 this year.
Iowa, Unspecified
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I love Cats so thats wh most of my art will be made of up Nekos ( Neko is the Japanese word for Cat ) I would be called the Neko Otaku ( Otaku is Japanese for Fan )
I'm not much into drawing humans. Its the details of the face and hands and other parts of the body that I can't do well drawing. As you can see from most of the art in my portfolio I'm a Gundam fan. The series I love the most are Gundam Wing ( Endless Waltz ) and 08th MS Team. I'm not to fond of the first Gundam series.
I like to draw mostly from Pencil and sometimes over-trace it with pen. I like mostly to work with Ebony Pencils becuase they give the right shadding when nedded. The bad part about working with Ebonys is that they can sometimes be messy as well as Oil pastels witch is another thing I like to work with. The things I don't like to work with is Watercolors , Chalk Pastels and Oil Paints. I've ben drawing ever since I was very little and it wasn't until I started taking classes that My skills have improved. Ever since they have imporved I've ben doing alot of art. I enjoy doing Science-Fictional art like dragons and Griffons mosre than I do any other but I still enjoy drawing animals. Which brings in the subject Furrey which is another thing I like to draw. But I don't draw them oftenly becuase I allways feel that my Furrey don't look right after they are finished.

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