@The_Triatic_Wolf || Profile
Sabrina Dakat

@The_Triatic_Wolf (Sabrina Dakat)
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03 March, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
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Whee. Whatcha wanna know? Umm--hey. M'name's Sabrina Dakat, most peeps call me Sabi. Umm...I write, I play soccer, run track...umm...an' I draw. Ye'h. S'why I'm here, isn't it? Anyway....

Being a military brat, I've seen and done alotta things--and that has done absolutely nothing for my art. ^_^ But it's neat to mention that I've been to Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, and Japan, no?

Hmm. I learned to draw from my cat. Insane? Not really. I sat there and watched him for hours sometimes...'cause, usually, I had nothing better to do. Hmm. So, yes, one day, I decided I'd try and draw him. It wasn't the best picture in the world, but when I showed the deformed thing to mi madre y padre, they hadta say it looked great, even if it did look like his head was his butt. So--yeah--a little false encouragement took me a ways. Here I am. I know I en't the very best artist--but, hey, it's a hobby, and it's something I like to show off.

Ye'h. I love to draw furries, anthros--whateva you wanna call them. Occasionally, I'll draw something other than a furry. Shrugs. But that's usually what I do.

Some people say I've put some strong expression into some of the pics I've done. I never realize, really, until they tell me what sorta message I've put into it. Huh. Shrugs again. Messages vary sometimes, but...hmm.

As for the commissions and art trades--sure. I'll /attempt/ to draw things for you. I'll do trades--commissions...? We'll see.

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