@airheaded_genius || Profile
eddie airhead

@airheaded_genius (eddie airhead)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
10 January, 2005
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
04 October, 1989
airheaded_genius turns 35 this year.
A town somewhere., Unspecified
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Well well, well. Welcome to my world. Once you are in, you cannot come out...


Anyway, I'm your average madwoman, In love with cartoons (ed, edd and eddy, Powerpuff Girls when i can be arsed, and anything that is not anime)

I have done art since i was a shrimp, (well since i was two) and have drawn just about every day since. I love to make people laugh with my comics of the Odd Kids (Kelly, Sam and denise and co) and get bored of things real quick.

I also love music, I have a John lennon shrine in my room, and I have a soft spot for Mike Oldfeild. (which i'm listening to now)

Also, I am a very faithful person, when i make a friend, I stick by them NO MATTER WHAT, unless they hurt my feelings enough. I have two best friends, Ami (my double in looks) and Jenna (Who I'd be lost without)

I'm also fiery, strong, and throughout my nutty self, I also house a deep, understanding side, which shows in my art.

I do mainly cartoons, but sometimes I do furry stuff, which I'm pretty good at.

Love, your friend, emma.

Oh yeah, you might be wondering why i'm down as eddie. My nickname for a year now, I went to see the rocky horror show dressed as eddie, (how a thin blonde can become a greasy biker, i don't know, but i did it) and the name stuck!

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